Hard Candy
In the beginning of the film there is a chat room conversation between a girl and a man, at this stage we don't know whether the girl is young or old but from her name we can assume that she is 14 years old as her name reads "Thonggrrrl14", the male in the conversation seems to be a lot older than the girl he is speaking to as we can also assume this from his name 'Lensman319' the fact that he's name has 3 numbers in it and is in in the 100's suggests that he is of a greater age. 'So we should finally hook up, baby', suggests they have been talking for a while. The little girl is so sure of herself when she says 'NOT a bay, I keep telling you this shows that she is trying to prove herself and reassure him that although she is young she is up to his standards.
In this shot the conversation continues on and the man gets explicit as he states 'only one I study is you' which suggest hes really into the little girl and has been studying her for a while.
In this shot the girl is cutting into tirumusa this implies that she is indulging and gaining pleasure from the cake. This could imply what she wants to gain from this man
In this shot the little girl puts the fork in her mouth slowly and shuts her eyes which implies she is gaining pleasure from eating this cake. This is an sexual innuendo showing how she may feel about the man.
In this shot the girl is shot the girl looks up at the man, this is the first time she's seen him, the camera shot show the girl looking up at him which implies he has a higher status/ power than her or he is older then as her is standing up and she is sitting down.
Analysis of opening scene of takers movie
The film I will be analysing is the opening of 'Takers' it is an action
They are all dressed in black and white suites which also shows that they are there for an important business meeting or something of this sort.
The clip of the opening scene of the Takers movie below.