
Character Introduction
The main character in my film opening Chloe is introduced when she is walking home from school she is alone and is walking slow which symbolises her having no friends and actually being alone. The second character Ashley is introduced when she presses the button for the lift but her face is not fully shown yet. She is then properly introduced when she shouts "Oi you". The audience will wonder what is going on and will be puzzled as to why she is shouting at Chloe. This is typical of a teen film opening as they sometimes use voice overs to explain what is going on and to create tension.
My film opening is about a girl who was bullied in secondary school, she was traumatised by this and because of this she then becomes a bully herself when she becomes a little older. My film opening follows the codes and conventions of a teen movie because they are usually representative of teenagers themselves and the problems they face at this age and my film opening does this.
The genre of my film opening is coming of age/teen film codes and conventions of the teen film genre change depending on the cultural context of the film, but they can include proms, alcohol, illegal substances, high school, parties, relationships, social groups and cliques, and pop-culture. Teen films are a film genre targeted at teenagers and young adults in which the plot is based upon the special interests of teenagers, such as coming of age (growing up), first love, rebellion, conflict with parents, and alienation. Often these normally serious subject matters are presented in a glossy, stereotyped or trivialised way that appeal to the teen audience. American teen movies often skim over the characters who are minorities like working class teenagers.
My film opening was developed to show the struggles of teenagers at the age of 16 and up wards, I wanted to show how challenging it is to be a teenager and picked a specific issue that teenagers of today which is bullying.
Title font and style
When creating my titles I looked at various fonts and matched them to my film opening and the font I choose matched my film opening well as it goes with the name What goes around comes around. The font of my titles is a handwriting style font, this was chosen because the film is about a girl in secondary school who gets bullied. The handwriting represents her school age. This follows the conventions of a teen film as it is in handwriting text matches the films narrative.
The location of my film opening is set in a block of flat which goes against the conventions of a teen movie being set in secondary schools, or containing characters that are of secondary school age. I done this because it was already of obvious that she was of secondary school age as she is in uniform. Another reason this was done was because psychical bullying normally takes place outside schools which represents real a real life bullying scenario.
Camera work and Special effects
The camera work and editing I used follows the conventions of a teen movie because like typical teen movies I used a flashback of an incident that happened to my main character by cutting in between normal shots with a chase scene and fight scene. A camera angle I used was a canted angle of the bully coming out of the lift. I used this angle to create a mysterious distort effect and which would make the audience wonder who the person is. This creates an element of suspense because they do not see who the person straight away.
Props and costumes
The costumes my characters wore where representative of the characters personality and characteristics. For example the main character in my film opening is dressed in a school uniform which shows she is of school age and is in secondary school, the way she is dressed follows the conventions of how the main characters in teen movies dress as they would be in a school uniform, looking at English teen movies like "St Trinians" their main characters are all dressed in uniform for most of the duration of the film.
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